Leading the way towards a world of independence
AJM Healthcare is the leading provider of NHS wheelchair services throughout the UK, specialising exclusively in wheelchair services.
Our services are designed with customer care as a priority. Our teams provide a genuine caring and holistic approach in all they do.
If you’re looking for information about a local area wheelchair service,
please click here.
AJM is special and that’s because of the people that work here and the ethos that we have created and driven throughout the organisation.
We all have the same ethics and passion for what we do.
We are genuinely here to deliver the very best service we can for our service users.
AJM are a GP-led provider and we ensure that the service user and the NHS is at the heart of everything we do – with quality and continual improvement top of our agenda.
Value for money is key.
Savings from integration and high recycling rates can be ploughed back into NHS services, providing a higher volume of activity for the same budget and always maintaining the highest quality.
Above all, AJM is a people business.
Our people are here to help and have the knowledge and capability to respond not just quickly, but they are also getting it right first time, and always with a smile.
Continuous improvement is a key company philosophy.
It empowers every employee to contribute to our ongoing development by eliminating key traditional obstacles that could hinder growth.
Ultimately, it allows us to continuously improve the quality of service.
We put our wheelchair users at the heart of our services.
We literally put our heart on our sleeves.
As effective system partners, we work together with our key stakeholders and service users to co-design and co-produce our services.
AJM really listen to us.
The service user forum is vital, as it gives us a voice in the development of the service.
With regular meetings and updates, I really feel involved.
AJM really does listen and they make better changes for all of us.
We’ve worked in partnership with the staff and the commissioners to make effective changes, like individual wheelchair passports and a standalone service website, and also an improved emergency and out-of-hours service.
I got my custom-fitted wheelchair and now I’ve got the independence to go around town or even across the world.
Our aim is to provide services that excel in meeting the needs of wheelchair users.
We have fabulous members of staff who are truly dedicated to providing high-quality and effective clinical services.
Having seen these services first hand, as a carer, working for the NHS and as a provider, I, and many of our staff, understand how these services can make a huge difference to a person’s quality of life.
The care that we take on delivering and improving these services is immense.
Each person is real and they all deserve a person-centred approach.